As the sun descended slowly turning the sky violet and pink, prayer rose up in the little church of St. Peter in Samana. The pastor was at the podium fervently praying in Spanish. I couldn't understand the words being said but I could understand the reaction to the words.
One woman stood with one hand over her eyes and the other outstretched as she mouthed prayers of her own. Another woman bowed to the seat of her pew, hands folded in prayer and pressed to her forehead. A man paced up and down his pew with hands raised, eyes closed, praying to God. Drums beat along with the crescendo of the pastor's words and cries of amen could be heard throughout the sanctuary.
This may be a small congregation, but it is strong and the Spirit is here. It was awesome to see.
No matter the church, the country, the language, or the time of day, prayer reaches us all.
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