Day of Rest

Thursday was our day of rest. We enjoyed it and we needed it. The only responsibility we had all day was a housechurch service at 6pm. Before that we hung out, played basketball (at 6am), learned new card games, taught card games to the Dominicans, and napped. Overall it was an excellent day for everyone.

The housechurch service was also a good time. We had the opportunity to have a worship service in the home of Lilo and his family. The service was very similar to the other services we have been to in the DR so far. The major difference was that at the end of the service we were all served a meal and ate together. And it was a really good meal! Rev. Cancu came back to Sabaneta last night and preached at the service, mostly telling stories. The congregation was laughing the majority of his sermon. He is clearly loved.

After the service we headed back to our house with many of the Dominicans where we played games and hung out. We learned a new game, President, which was not too complicated but the fact that it was in Spanish definitely made our brains had to work harder. We also played two hand slapping games. While many of us played games others engaged in thoughtful conversations. Overall, it was an excellent end to a relaxing day.



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