Another Eventful Day

This morning we woke up to a great breakfast which I'm always grateful for since our host have been preparing all of our meals since we arrived. We then ventured to the morning service that was held in the church about 200 yards from where we are staying. The best thing about the service was when we split up, and the young adults/children went to sunday school. Rob led the lesson in English and also showed off his developing Spanish skills. We focused on the story of the Good Samaritan from Luke, and our host Frankelly was very impressed by Rob's creativity and humor. Our group really connected with the kids there and we learned a lot of names, some of which we play basketball with. One thing I do want to want to highlight is the sportsmanship of our group when it comes to the game. Even though we win most of the games, we still have the Dominicans show us that they are still just as skilled; however we never complain or pout. We also always help them up if one of us knocks them down (aka Andrew). 

We took time after lunch to practice a couple songs in spanish which went well for the  evening  worship service! At the moment we are being taught a new card game called "tres y dos". Evan has proved that he has mastered it  in less than 10 minutes Andrew has also mastered the bridge for the first time, with a little boost of confidence from yours truly. Rob and Frankelly are also going at it in a fierce game of dominoes. Everyone is also extremely excited for Jimmy's pizza making skills on Wednesday! Let's hope 8 pizzas feeds everyone! Even though it's 8:40pm it feels like midnight and I would be completely okay with going to sleep for an exciting day of painting for tomorrow! 

Simply blessed, 



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